My Grandma

2012 January 19

Created by David 13 years ago
By Taylor Hi, my name is Taylor and I’m 12. My Grandma’s name is Grandma, she’s also 12. Oh boy, do I love my Grandma. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met… even when I was a baby I loved her very much. My Grandma is a nurse, she helps people. She’s a great people-person and she can heal any sick person. That’s her job, she’s a savior. My Grandma is also really smart, while I’m growing up I have lots of questions and she knows everything. She can also fix anything. I love arts and crafts, so does my Grandma. We make such cool stuff together. I just love my Grandma so much. The other day I found out my Grandma is really sick and I’m very sad. My Grandma can heal any person in the whole wide world…but she can’t heal herself. She has lots of doctors now trying to make her feel better. I’m really sad all the time now because my Grandma is so sick. Sometimes I’m really afraid I won’t see my Grandma anymore and I start to cry. I don’t want to lose my Grandma, she’s so important to me. One day, I asked My God why my Grandma is so sick and he didn’t know why. He did tell me that if this disease does take my Grandma that she isn’t really gone. She’ll always be with me, no matter what. This makes me happy. If she does have to go away, I know she’ll be with me. Everyday I’ll tell her I love her and I’ll ask her to help me with my problems as I grow up. My Grandma and I are both 12 and I love her so much. Love, Taylor.

