Our dear friend Nola

2012 January 20

Created by David 13 years ago
So many, many words that describe our dear friend Nola. Yesterday, after reading that she had passed I called about 8 friends-all of us worked with Nola at Student Health. The words we said were pretty much all the same as what I'm reading in the notes here. Same common thread. As I write this I have tears in my eyes-Nola You Truly Made The World A Better Place. *Your Wisdom*, your fun & crazy stories, your smile that would light up a room, your graciousness, your kindness, your sense of humor, your BIGGG loving heart, you cared for everyone, your interest in everyone, the sparkle in your eyes, your warmth, your hugs, your cute little Cmas gifts-you would walk around with a big bag of gifts to give to everyone at Student Health every year with a precious little note attached to it. You had a way of defusing the most stressful situations in a calming way...what you said would just be so perfect that there was a way you would do it that could even bring some laughter & it would lighten up a very heavy situation...its hard to explain, but you did it & it was a gift. I always took comfort when you were working with me on the same shift...for many reasons...one of them being-because you were a go-to-nurse....I could go to you with random requests, stresses, needs that students would come to me with & you would handle it with grace & all would be good again for the student. I admired you Nola. Thank you. thank you, THANK YOU. Seeing you at your home in December I am glad we got to sit & visit for a few hours & at Amy's Celebration of Life...one more hug & I said to you "Nola I love you" & your smile after I said it I won't forget. You said to Findlay "well you are looking handsome as ever!" LOL..Finn replying back with a blushing face...well thank you Nola!!! I looked out of my window yesterday morning after reading Davids note about Nola's passing....about 50 little birds were on my tree...all jumping around chirping & then flew away...I'm thinking they were there for me for Nola. GOD BLESSED US WITH YOU...I am grateful we shared friendship for 22 years. Our friendship will always remain a treasure for me. I wish it could have been another 22 years. My deep sympathy to David, William, Tom, Kelly, Katie & all of Nola's family & friends. Love, Carole and Findlay [Co-worker from UCD Student Health]