Nola and Carol makeup artists..

1971 August 10

Created by cschnitter 13 years ago
I have so many wonderful memories of antics your mom and I went through but one in particular stands out at this time. Somehow I had gotten roped into showing 4-H Diamond Stars how to apply stage makeup for a fashion show held at UC Davis during the 4-H State Convention. I had absolutely no experience other than the fact that I wore makeup myself. I was scared and nervous and your mom generously offered to be my assistant. Now there were two of us who were totally inexperienced but our motto was, "fake it til you make it" so off we went makeup cases in hand to the dressing area under Freeborn Hall on campus. For 1 1/2 hrs. while I demonstrated on a willing but totally unsuspecting model your mom worked the room going from girl to girl explaining what I was doing on the model. Your mom who had some theatrical experience from our high school drama days was a little familiar with stage makeup and she showed the girls how to highlight their eyes so they could be seen from the back of the room. In no time she and I were acting like pros and having more fun being true makeup artists. It was a huge success and I was so grateful that she was by my side cheering me on. We made the best team and we each received thank you gifts from the models. One wonderful time.
